Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

**Missing photo link added below... (Thanks Kirby)

It's 9:00 pm on Wednesday here in Seoul, students are already starting to crash for the night... yeah! Today was spent visiting the DMZ and the Panmunjom.  The first half of the day we went to various observatories looking into North Korea and along with the 3rd Tunnel of Aggression that was dug under the DMZ by the North Koreans to be used to attack Seoul. This tunnel was discovered in 1978. We took a miner's tram down into the tunnel to explore and then returned to the surface.  In the pictures, the fence full of ribbons are well wishes from people in South Korea for those in North Korea... could even be family. From there we went to lunch... a traditional Korean BBQ.

After lunch we proceeded to Camp Bonifas in the JSA (Joint Security Area) where we were transferred to military busses and taken to the border and allowed to enter the UN meeting hall that crosses the border. You can see in one of our pictures what looks like a small concrete sidewalk... it is the actual border between North and South Korea. On the North side they have sand, on the South side they have gravel.... notice our picture is taken from the sand side! We actually crossed into North Korea, but only within the meeting hall where it was allowed.  As another reference, you will see blue buildings (UN) and behind them a North Korean building, notice the North Korean soldier watching us watch him. The last picture for today is of "The Bridge of No Return" This bridge was used for prisoner exchanges at the end of the Korean War in 1953. Prisoners from both side were brought to the bridge and told to choose a side, if they crossed they could not return.

Lastly, for those wondering about the title for this post.... on the way to the DMZ, I was discussing with the students what they could expect today. I had mentioned that we would be escorted in the JSA by US Military personnel. Typically these would be Army men... very big Army men. When all of a sudden I heard a small female voice behind me say, "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Q: Who said this? Could it be your daughter? :)

Tomorrow we have planned a trip to both Holt International Adoptions and Eastern Child Welfare Society for the two Korean adopted students on the trip.... then we will head as a group to The Hard Rock Cafe in Seoul for dinner.

Pictures for DMZ tour:

Good night everyone.


  1. Hi Brent. I can see your letter but no link to photos. How can I get to the photos?

    Thanks, Kirby

  2. Hi Brent, Just looked at your pictures. They look great to me. What a wonderful opportunity for all the students. Eat some bugs for me--I never had the nerve. Did your gang skip around the Maypole? This is from Dad
