Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Day of 1,000 Blessings... if we were in Africa

We landed in Hong Kong with ease and headed straight to our hotel.  After checking in, we decided to spend the afternoon getting the students oriented to the basics of Hong Kong navigation.  It is very apparent that the students were feeling very comfortable with Seoul.... because this knocked their socks off... hot, hot, hot! It took a few hours of constantly sweating to give up the dream of being dry and non-stcky. We immediately stopped and bought a 1.5L of water for everyone.

On our way back from down town a bird pooped on my bald head. An african man happened to be walking next to me and immediately said... "In Africa, that means you will have a 1,000 blessings" to which I replied.... "We're not in Africa, we're in Hong Kong and it's bird poop!"

After cleaning up, we took everyone out to a nice dinner. I had the 'seafood deluxe pasta' which has, clams, scallops, muscles, cuttlefish, shrimp, and fish over a spaghetti  with a  nice white sauce. It was awesome. We ended the evening by going to Mongkok Night Market. I didn't have my camera for the first part of the excursion... there are a few night shots below.

Mongkok Night Market: http://bwilson.cs.georgefox.edu/GEED365/May-8b/album/

Answer to the eye quiz: Amanda Baecker

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