Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Day in Seoul

The group was very excited this morning... their first full day in Seoul. The goal today was to get to the point where Dr. Duerr and myself were comfortable turning the students loose and knowing they would have no issues navigating through Seoul and getting back to the hotel within their groups.  We starting the morning with about a 45 minute class going over maps, subway cards,  and how to ensure you are getting on the correct subway train, etc..

The day started like most days for many of the students... a quick trip to Starbucks. We also found a bakery that was absolutely amazing... I am sure a daily visit will be in order, I had a "Black Sesame Pumpkin" pastry along with a Green Tea Latte. It was wonderful.  A few of the students didn't venture far from the norm and had a quick McDonald's breakfast... I am pondering a grade deduction for that.  :)  From there we headed to Kyobo Bookstore, this is similar to Powell's in Portland. You can spend hours there. We even ran into a elementary school group on a  field trip.

After we finished at Kyobo, it was time for the students'  first exam... Take Dr. Duerr and myself from Kyobo Bookstore in central Seoul to the Itaewon shopping district in southern Seoul (next to the U.S. Military base) without any help from either of us. As you can see in our photos, the students collaborated using all their maps and actually took us across town to where we had asked to go! They passed.  We then turned them loose after lunch.... they spent the rest of the day touring in groups. All groups returned to the hotel by early evening.

You can view a few photos from today here: http://bwilson.cs.georgefox.edu/GEED365/May-1/album/

Good night... tomorrow is our Panmunjom/DMZ tour... Yes, we will be safe!


  1. Nice to see you all having a good time. Brent, trying to make me jealous of the Starbucks menu items? The Frappucino's looked SO good. Alexa, I love the Korea shirt! I look forward to seeing pics from your trip to DMZ...if you can take any :)

  2. Very enjoyable to follow you along. Wish I was there. such a great adventure. Well done Brent.

  3. Enjoy following your trip. Pictures show everyone having a grand time. So glad they all found their way home safely and on time. Would have guessed a few parents were a little concerned but relieved to hear that everyone was able to maneuver around Seoul on their own. I'm proud of them! Brent, this is from your Mom.
